lunedì 19 agosto 2013

CM team to offer CyanogenMod account to track your lost phone, new dual-releases planned

CMBig news from the CyanogenMod team this evening. They are introducing a CyanogenMod Account service to help track and remotely wipe lost or stolen phones, and to help on the security front they will be moving to a dual-release of stable ROMs.

The first bit is pretty self-explanatory. They are building their own service that offers the device tracking and remote wipe we see from Google in the new Android Device Manager service. They state the existing services are not secure because company employees or "malevolent attackers" can access your location data without your permission. The optional (and free) service will be maintained by CyanogenMod, and they will be putting up privacy policy and users can learn more about the service on their What is a CyanogenMod Account page.

The second bit is interesting as well. Previously, CM ROMs were signed with "test" keys — generic keys that ship with the Android SDK. In the near future, they will be moving to a dual-release where a User branch is signed with private keys, locking down the system and bringing it in line with the Android security model. For folks who will want to build themes and edit apps, the test key releases will continue as they are now. This should allow users who want a secure setting to have it, and users who want to modify and tinker still can do so.

These changes are coming soon, but won't be included as part of the nightly builds. For more information, visit the official source below.

Source: CyanogenMod




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